Edit template in Beta Blogger available

Editing template is now possible in the beta version blogger but the new template is different,
the blogger blog annonces that the new template language is completely different from the old one; and that more documentation about this will be available later.

Free downloads from Google books

Google start today a new free offer: the ability to download full copies of out-of-copyright classics books with Google Book Search.
It is possible now to download Shakespeare's tragedy of Hamlet for free.

New Google offer : Google Apps for Your Domain

Google lunches Google Apps for Your Domain a set of applications (Gmail, Google Talk, Google Calendar, and Google Page) that organizations (domains owners) can give to theirs users
Google explain : "There's no hardware or software required, and you can customize the user interfaces with your branding and color scheme"
the service is still in beta.

Funny google again: Last crawled on Dec,1969 !!!

i've been reading a post on google's blog where they claim loving webmasters as google offers new services on the new Google Webmaster Central; so i tried Site status wizard for one of my new football blog that i didn't submit to google yet; the result is so funny:
this is what google say:

'' Site status › Step 2 of 2
Indexing summary:
No pages from your site are currently included in Google's index. Indexing can take time. You may find it helpful to review our information for webmasters and webmaster guidelines. [?]
Googlebot last successfully accessed your home page on Dec 31, 1969 . ''

google give the same message in google sitemaps:
''No pages from your site are currently included in Google's index. Indexing can take time. You may find it helpful to review our information for webmasters and webmaster guidelines. [?]
Googlebot has successfully accessed your home page. Last crawl date: Dec 31, 1969
You have submitted
1 Sitemaps. You have no Sitemap errors. ''

what is it?! is google joking with webmasters now after loving them?!!

Adsense Game: learn how to make money online

Joel Comm, best-selling author and AdSense expert created The AdSense Game, a Flash simulation designed to teach people how to make money online using Google AdSense contextual advertising program. Joel Comm is the co-founder of ClassicGames.com, which is now known as Yahoo! Games.

New Google Talk

Google have complete testing a new version of Google talk and The new Google Talk is now available updated with a bunch of new features
- File transfer: The "top requested" feature of GTalk users. You can share any type of file, several at a time if you want, including photos, of course. According to a Google representative, when you drop up to 10 photos on Google Talk, smaller previews automatically appear right inside the chat window, so you can chat about them right away.
- Voice mail: You can now leave voice mails for any of your Google Talk contacts when they don't answer a call, but you can also easily record voice notes and send them to anyone you know by just adding their e-mail addresses to your contact list. They don't even have to be running Google Talk. According to the same Google rep: "This is a fun and easy way to just say hello, send someone a reminder, or sing your mom happy birthday. :-)" The Gmail team has added the ability to play back voice mail messages within Gmail.
- Music status sharing: Users can opt to display the titles of the songs they are listening to in their status bar when Google Talk detects that a supported music player is running. Music Status currently supports iTunes, Windows Media Player, Winamp and Yahoo Music Engine.

New Blogger in Beta

Google has started today testing an enhanced version of its blog publishing service Blogger in Beta;

For now, Google is limiting the number of Blogger's members who can switch over to the new beta version of the service. Those who want to try the new features out right away can create a new account at http://beta.blogger.com/. It's also possible now to use google accounts login to have accces to the service.
Here is some of new interesting features and functions of the new release:
-Categorize posts with labels
-Control access to blogs: add authors so multiple people can post to blog, choose who can view blog just by adding their email address.
-Make layout changes : Blogger's Layout feature: edit and customize your Blogger template, edit and customize the colors, fonts, header and sidebar of your blog .
-More feed options
-New Dashboard
-Bunch of new blogger templates

MySpace Gets Googled !!!

News Corp. Chooses Google to Provide MySpace Search
Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. choose Google Inc. to provide search for its MySpace.com Web site, handing a defeat to Microsoft Corp.
Google will be the exclusive provider of search and keyword-targeted ads for Fox Interactive sites including MySpace, the companies said today in a statement.
Google, No. 1 in Internet search, agreed to make minimum revenue-sharing payments of $900 million over a three-year period to snatch the business away from Microsoft, owner of the MSN Web site, the companies said. Redmond, Washington-based Microsoft and Mountain View, California-based Google each fought for the premium exposure on MySpace, News Corp.'s popular friend-finder site.

Google Sitemaps became Webmaster Tools

Google has renamed "Google Sitemaps" to "Google Webmaster Tools" and has added the service to their Google Webmaster Central channel which includes :

Site status wizard
Find out whether your site is currently being indexed by Google.
Webmaster tools (including Sitemaps)
Statistics, diagnostics and management of Google's crawling and indexing of your website, including Sitemap submission and reporting.
Submit your content to Google
Learn about submitting content for Google properties such as Google Base and Google Book Search.
Webmaster Central Blog
The latest news and info on how Google crawls and indexes websites.
Google's discussion group for webmasters
Talk with your fellow webmasters and share your feedback.
Webmaster help center
See answers to frequently asked questions about crawling, indexing, ranking and other webmaster issues.

Tony Blair googlebombed too !

When you type liar on google search the first result you get is the official biography of Tony Blair, but the new thing is that on the top there is a spensored link who links to the explanation of googlebombing in google blog:

"Why these results?
www.google.com/googleblog  These results may seem politically slanted. Here's what happened."

Funny google search or Bush "failure" !!!

If you do a Google search on the word "failure" or the phrase "miserable failure", the top result is currently the White House’s official biographical page for President Bush.
Google explain this result by the practice called googlebombing.
It's just funny and completely justifiable: there is a real link between Bush and failure

New Google Services Uncovered

Tony Ruscoe, a UK developer, had a "quick go" at Google's servers, and got a wealth of information out of that small expedition. Ruscoe discovered the names of fourteen services that, as he put it, "aren't currently available to your 'real' Google account."
There are screenshots of the list (in multiple languages) on Ruscoe's blog. The pictures serve as evidence of the services' existence (in some form), although they don't offer much besides those names. Ruscoe accessed the pages by setting up "some kind of test account" in "the 'sandbox' subdomain."
Ruscoe was able to add Google Events, Google Guess, Google Online Assessment, Google Real Estate Search, Google RS2, Google Writely, Local, Mobile, Mobile Marketplace, New Service (AKA Workplace), New Service, Talk, Weaver, and WiFi to his test account. As he noted, some of these have already been hinted at or discussed.
Others haven't been leaked until now, though, and Ruscoe considered what the names might imply. Of the New Service (AKA Workplace), Ruscoe wrote, "Maybe this is the big one people have been waiting for; the one that will really kill Microsoft Office. At least, if it's at all related to IBM Workplace it could be . . . . All I know is that it's got something to do with OpenOffice.org - so that's why it could be the killer . . ."
With the Mobile Marketplace, Ruscoe speculated, quoting John Battelle, "Maybe Google will finally plug mobile 'into the web in a way that makes sense for the average user' and maybe they'll also be the ones to create 'a major mobile innovation - the kind that makes us all say - Jeez that was obvious.' But we'll see."
More speculation takes place among the comments on Ruscoe's blog. The names of those Google services hint at some very interesting possibilities.